Merit and need-based scholarships for individuals of Chinese descent for undergraduate college tuition. Application deadline for the school year 2024 – 2025:January 12th, 2025.
An applicant must be:
Chinese descent.
A resident of Minnesota and American citizen/permanent resident.
A senior in high school for the 2024-2025 year, with unweighted accumulated GPA 3.5 or above.
Applicants and their families must agree and promote the vision and mission of CAAM (see details on CAAM webpage). When opportunities are present, applicants and their families are required to positively work with CAAM, CAAM CDT, and CAAM TCCLS, may not harm or tarnish its reputation under any circumstance.
Need-based applicants, with unweighted accumulated GPA 3.0 or above, must provide a filled FAFSA Form or the latest 3-year Federal Tax Return Forms.