
With Supporters Like You, The Heart Of Dance Beats!

As a nonprofit, CAAM Chinese Dance Theater depends on several sources of income. Donations are the best way, for even a little support to make a big difference.

We have an amazing community of dedicated volunteers who devote thousands of hours to our organization. This includes the materials and time to create props, sew costumes, promote our programs, and run the organization. But this is not enough to make our high quality programming and performances a reality.

Every year, we need financial resources to: reach communities, educate students and produce shows that can be enjoyed by the greater communities of the Twin Cities and Minnesota.

Since the pandemic eased, we brought back old programs while creating new ones to meet newly identified needs. Our annual dance drama during the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) heritage month draws hundreds of school-aged children. We have formed partnerships to assist schools with few or no resources for field trips. Our dance classes include families on subsidized school lunch programs. Our Lunar New Year show draws a significant elderly audience with limited retirement incomes. Numerous free and reduced price outreach performances and workshops will continue to be possible with financial support from donations.

We received pandemic funding, but this is now gone. We invite past donors as well as new ones, to help ensure we can create and share new, original, and amazing dance stories from Chinese history and culture, on our stage and throughout the region.

As we come back from the pandemic with plenty of energy, your financial support helps our plans come alive! Our goal is to double the amount of donations we receive this year. Can you help? You can also build on your donation by sharing our donation link with your family, friends, and colleagues who support culture and the arts.

Your support is appreciated. Donate today and make a difference!